Having been told that Numerical Recipes was a must-have for all scientists, coming across the following web page was a bit of a shock:
I haven't had time to check out their claims, but certainly some of the routines I've used appeared somewhat unstable... I still assume that this is my ignorance rather than theirs, but maybe I should delve a little deeper.
Either way, I'm happy that I've found http://www.netlib.org/. Even if most of the code relevant to me appears to be written in Fortran (a.k.a. Ancient Aramaic).
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Before submitting a paper...
I've overheard confessions from senior academics who admit that they knowingly submit before their work is ready. As a result, they find it mentally difficult to critically assess their own work after publishing a paper. This can't be a good sign.
The following are guidelines for me. I've broken several of these in the last couple of years, and regretted it.
Probably easier, but not easy - you still need to think carefully about where to submit. The minimum three months between finishing the work and submitting should help tone down the "this is so exciting, like, the most exciting thing in the world, man!" and the "Nature have to accept this, otherwise they're just being small minded" thought-processes. If it hasn't, either you haven't waited long enough, you're deluded, or you really do have a piece of ground-breaking work.
Good luck!
The following are guidelines for me. I've broken several of these in the last couple of years, and regretted it.
- Have you finished the work? In other words, are you being pressured to publish before you're happy? Supervisor pressure, the risk of being scooped, money or time issues... these are all indicators that you might want to think carefully about submitting.
- When did you finish doing this work? If less than 3 months ago, don't submit.
- Have you discussed this with other people in your field? This is strongly recommended, since the easiest person to fool is ourselves.
- Have you written any part of your submission in such a way that it could be seen as an affront to another academic? However illogical their research might seem, this is a bad idea. Perhaps think about writing a reply to their paper instead.
- Have you had the paper proofread by someone else? More than one person?
- When did you finish writing the submission? If less than 1 month (and preferably 3 months) ago, don't submit. Check it, make sure you would be happy with submitting it, then put it in a drawer somewhere, and do something else.
- Once bringing the submission back out of its hiding place, have you checked it over thoroughly again? Do you still agree with what you've written?!
- If you've passed all the above points, here's a difficult one. Try to question/disprove as much of your submission as possible. Take some time to do this thoroughly. If you succeed in finding holes in your work, you can still submit, but you may need to rewrite and add caveats. Pride should have no place in a scientific establishment. This step should be repeated a year after the paper has been published - it encourages personal reflection, which is probably not a bad thing for a scientist.
Probably easier, but not easy - you still need to think carefully about where to submit. The minimum three months between finishing the work and submitting should help tone down the "this is so exciting, like, the most exciting thing in the world, man!" and the "Nature have to accept this, otherwise they're just being small minded" thought-processes. If it hasn't, either you haven't waited long enough, you're deluded, or you really do have a piece of ground-breaking work.
Good luck!
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
GPlates on Ubuntu
Ever wanted to watch plate evolution through time? Yes, of course you have.
GPlates on Ubuntu is great, but installing it at the moment takes a bit of know-how. Here's how I did it.
- Visit http://www.gplates.org/
- Download the .deb file
- Attempt to install it, and find that the libicu42 dependency is 'unsatisfiable'.
- Get annoyed, since libicu44 is already installed.
Here comes the hack to solve many of these dependency problems:
dpkg-deb -x ${debfile} tmpdirdpkg-deb --control ${debfile} tmpdir/DEBIANsed 's/libicu42/libicu44/g' tmpdir/DEBIAN/control > tmp # Change this depending on the dependency issue you want to resolve.mv tmp tmpdir/DEBIAN/controldpkg -b tmpdir ${newdeb}
After this, run package manager with the new .deb file. You'll get a warning appearing telling you that the creator of the package (i.e. you) is not the same as the user who originally built the package. This warning is not usually to be taken lightly, and I take no responsibility for anyone screwing up their computer.
Anyway, the install should work fine. When you try to open gplates, it'll bring up an error:
gplates: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.42: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
There are a lot more icu libraries required too. Luckily, there's a quick way to solve this (though it is a horrible hack):
for file in /usr/lib/libicu*44*; do name=`echo ${file} | sed 's/44/42/g'`; sudo cp ${file} ${name}; done
Everything now works. If anyone can suggest a better way of doing this (by actually changing the hardwired libicu paths, for example), it would be great to hear from you!
Friday, 6 May 2011
My settings: Ubuntu 16.04
Ok, so I'm using Ubuntu 11.04. A geophysicist would be nowhere without his programs, so I've compiled a list of those installed on top of the basic Ubuntu packages. This is essentially a list of the things I've done to my computer after running a clean install. The install went something like this:
After that, it just remained for me to scream in horror at the ugliness and unergonomic monstrosity that was Ubuntu Unity, and run a quick search on Gnome 3. You can just select other options at login (bottom middle of screen), but I wanted a change.
And so began the week of updates, installs, reinstalls and a steep patch learning curve. The below is a summary of the packages I've installed since then.
DISCLAIMER: Some of these packages are still under development. I needed to tweak the Gnome-3 themes significantly, and there were a few bugs to iron out, but updates seem to be making this process easier.
# I dislike Unity (and am growing fond of Gnome 3)
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer # Microsoft font package
# FiPy (Finite Volume python package)
- Back up files to two separate external hard drives
- Create Ubuntu 11.04 Live CD and place in driver
- Restart
- Run through instructions, selecting 'other' when it comes to formatting
- Delete the old Ubuntu partitions, leaving the Windows 7 one untouched
- Create three new partitions, one as swap space (2*RAM), one as / (20GB) and one as /home (the rest, 60 GB).
- Press Go
After that, it just remained for me to scream in horror at the ugliness and unergonomic monstrosity that was Ubuntu Unity, and run a quick search on Gnome 3. You can just select other options at login (bottom middle of screen), but I wanted a change.
And so began the week of updates, installs, reinstalls and a steep patch learning curve. The below is a summary of the packages I've installed since then.
DISCLAIMER: Some of these packages are still under development. I needed to tweak the Gnome-3 themes significantly, and there were a few bugs to iron out, but updates seem to be making this process easier.
# I dislike Unity (and am growing fond of Gnome 3)
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell gnome-themes-standard gnome-themes-selected gnome-themes-extra gnome-tweak-tool
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer # Microsoft font package
# I love Python
sudo apt-get install python ipython mayavi2 python-matplotlib python-pip
pip install --upgrade
# Python packages numpy, scipy, pysparse, using
# Python packages numpy, scipy, pysparse, using
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install pysparse
pip install mayavi # Yes, I know I'm installing mayavi twice. Shush.
pip install obspy
# Subversion and git
# Subversion and git
sudo apt-get install subversion
# Octave (Matlab clone)
sudo apt-get install octave
# FEniCS (Finite element python package)
# NB The location of the FeniCS demos directory is not mentioned in the documentation. A quick 'locate' reveals them to be hiding in /usr/share/dolfin
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fenics-packages/fenics
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends fenics
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
#Gmsh (Creates FEniCS readable meshes for finite elements)
sudo apt-get install gmsh
# FiPy (Finite Volume python package)
svn checkout http://matforge.org/svn/fipy/tags/version-2_1_2 # Check for current version
# Text editing
sudo apt-get install emacs24 # Check for current version
# The full Texlive set
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
sudo apt-get install texworks # Tex environment
sudo apt-get install latex2html
# Postscripts and PDFs
sudo apt-get install gv # you'll need 3.7.2 or above (brand new and manual install as of 29th April 2011) to avoid warnings (at least with Gnome 3)
sudo apt-get install evince okular
sudo apt-get appmenu-gtk # removes icon warnings when using evince
sudo apt-get install acroread
# Image editing
sudo apt-get install gimp g3data
# Video
sudo apt-get install vlc
# Google Earth
sudo apt-get install lsb-core
# For those long dark nights
sudo apt-get install fortune # Quotations (for my .bashrc)
sudo apt-get install gnubg # Backgammon
# 'New' additions
sudo apt-get install paraview
sudo apt-get install hugin
sudo apt-get install audacious
sudo apt-get install inkscape
sudo apt-get install prey
# 'New' additions
sudo apt-get install paraview
sudo apt-get install hugin
sudo apt-get install audacious
sudo apt-get install inkscape
sudo apt-get install prey
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