Friday, 6 May 2011

My settings: Ubuntu 16.04

Ok, so I'm using Ubuntu 11.04. A geophysicist would be nowhere without his programs, so I've compiled a list of those installed on top of the basic Ubuntu packages. This is essentially a list of the things I've done to my computer after running a clean install. The install went something like this:
  • Back up files to two separate external hard drives
  • Create Ubuntu 11.04 Live CD and place in driver
  • Restart
  • Run through instructions, selecting 'other' when it comes to formatting
  • Delete the old Ubuntu partitions, leaving the Windows 7 one untouched
  • Create three new partitions, one as swap space (2*RAM), one as / (20GB) and one as /home (the rest, 60 GB).
  • Press Go
I needed to repeat this, since my laptop internet connection in college (wireless) was lousy and caused the installation to fail.

After that, it just remained for me to scream in horror at the ugliness and unergonomic monstrosity that was Ubuntu Unity, and run a quick search on Gnome 3. You can just select other options at login (bottom middle of screen), but I wanted a change.

And so began the week of updates, installs, reinstalls and a steep patch learning curve. The below is a summary of the packages I've installed since then.

DISCLAIMER: Some of these packages are still under development. I needed to tweak the Gnome-3 themes significantly, and there were a few bugs to iron out, but updates seem to be making this process easier.

# I dislike Unity (and am growing fond of Gnome 3)
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell gnome-themes-standard gnome-themes-selected gnome-themes-extra gnome-tweak-tool

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer # Microsoft font package
# I love Python
sudo apt-get install python ipython mayavi2 python-matplotlib python-pip
pip install --upgrade

# Python packages numpy, scipy, pysparse, using
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install pysparse
pip install mayavi # Yes, I know I'm installing mayavi twice. Shush.
pip install obspy

# Subversion and git
sudo apt-get install subversion git
# Octave (Matlab clone)
sudo apt-get install octave
# FEniCS (Finite element python package)
# NB The location of the FeniCS demos directory is not mentioned in the documentation. A quick 'locate' reveals them to be hiding in /usr/share/dolfin
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fenics-packages/fenics
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends fenics
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

#Gmsh (Creates FEniCS readable meshes for finite elements)
sudo apt-get install gmsh

# FiPy (Finite Volume python package)
svn checkout # Check for current version
# Text editing
sudo apt-get install emacs24 # Check for current version
# The full Texlive set
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
sudo apt-get install texworks # Tex environment
sudo apt-get install latex2html

# Postscripts and PDFs
sudo apt-get install gv # you'll need 3.7.2 or above (brand new and manual install as of 29th April 2011) to avoid warnings (at least with Gnome 3)
sudo apt-get install evince okular
sudo apt-get appmenu-gtk # removes icon warnings when using evince
sudo apt-get install acroread

# Image editing
sudo apt-get install gimp g3data
# Video
sudo apt-get install vlc
# Google Earth
sudo apt-get install lsb-core
# For those long dark nights
sudo apt-get install fortune # Quotations (for my .bashrc)
sudo apt-get install gnubg # Backgammon

# 'New' additions
sudo apt-get install paraview
sudo apt-get install hugin
sudo apt-get install audacious
sudo apt-get install inkscape
sudo apt-get install prey


Bob Myhill said...

sudo apt-get install gnome-backgrounds

Bob Myhill said...

sudo apt-get install paraview

Bob Myhill said...

sudo apt-get install hugin