Sunday, 18 October 2009

My Graduate Family Tree

Wikipedia is a wonderful thing. I knew that my primary advisor's advisor (my grandadvisor) was Teddy Bullard, one of the founders of modern geophysics, but I had no idea until recently how my direct family tree would pan out. I've put it below; it'll grow more branches over time, but I've kept with a (more or less) direct line from advisor to advisor.

My advisor: Dan McKenzie (first paper defining the principles of plate tectonics)
My grandadvisor (GA): Teddy Bullard (one of the founders of modern geophysics)
My GGA: Ernest Rutherford (Father of nuclear physics and Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry)
My GGGA: J J Thomson (Discoverer of the electron, isotopes, and Nobel Prize winner for Physics)
My GGGGA: John Strutt (3rd Baron Rayleigh; discovered Rayleigh scattering, which makes the sky blue, predicted the existence of Rayleigh waves and discovered Argon, winning him the Nobel Prize for Physics)
My GGGGGA: Edward Routh (Developed the theory of mechanics)
My GGGGGGA: Augustus de Morgan (de Morgan's Laws, introduced and developed the theory of Mathematical Induction)
My GGGGGGGA: William Hewell (Coined the terms 'scientist' and 'physicist')

Makes me feel quite inadequate, really.

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